Proteomics in Food Science: From Farm to Fork - download pdf or read online

By Michelle Lisa Colgrave

Proteomics in nutrients technological know-how: From Farm to Fork is a superior reference delivering thoughts and useful purposes of proteomics for these in numerous disciplines of nutrition technology. The booklet covers a number of equipment for elucidating the identification or composition of particular proteins in meals or cells relating to meals technological know-how, from spoilage organisms, to safe to eat parts.

A number of analytical systems are defined, starting from using uncomplicated electrophoresis, to extra subtle mass spectrometry and bio-informatic structures. The e-book is designed for meals scientists, technologists, meals staff, microbiologists, and public medical examiners, and will even be a invaluable reference publication for students.

  • Includes a number of analytical structures, starting from basic electrophoresis to extra subtle mass spectrometry and bio-informatic platforms
  • Presents analytical ideas for every meals area, together with drinks, meats, dairy and eggs, fruit, fish/seafood, cereals, nuts, and grains that diversity from pattern assortment, percentage, and garage research
  • Provides purposes of proteomics in sizzling issues quarter of nutrition security, together with foodstuff spoilage, pathogenic organisms, and allergens
  • Covers significant pathogens of outrage e.g., Salmonella and functions to animal husbandry

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Proteomics in Food Science: From Farm to Fork by Michelle Lisa Colgrave

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